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LITMuS Tools
Language learners often produce language patterns resembling those of children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI). The overlap among the features of bilingual and impaired language lead to methodological and clinical confusion. A set of tools for Language Impairment Testing in Multilingual Settings (LITMUS) was developed within COST Action IS0804 in order to improve language assessment of minority language children. LITMUS is a comprehensive set of tools designed and tested within the COST Action for assessing the linguistic abilities of bilingual children. These tools have all been piloted with monolingual children and with children who are speakers of a wide variety of language pairs and subsequently modified.

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More information about the LITMUS tools
The work of the Action was divided into five domains:
1.Syntax and interfaces with morphology and semantics
2. Narrative and discourse abilities
3. Lexical and phonological processing
4. Executive Functions
5. Parental questionnaires
The tools that form the LITMUS battery include Sentence Repetition Tasks (SRep), Multilingual Assessment in Narratives (MAIN), Crosslinguistic Lexical Tasks (CLT), Nonword Repetition Tasks (NWR-CL, NWR-QU) and a Parental Bilingual Questionnaire (PABIQ). Other tasks used within the Action included an assessment of the comprehension of exhaustivity and of the production of subject-verb agreement, cases, clitics use, and relative clauses. Tasks assessing Executive Functions were not unique to the Action, and are listed within WG4.

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