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LITMUS in Action
COST Action IS0804, Language Impairment in a Multilingual Society: Linguistic Patterns and the Road to Assessment, had a major impact on the study of language assessment among second language learners. A set of tools for Language Impairment Testing in Multilingual Settings (LITMUS) was developed in order to improve language assessment of minority language children. A network of researchers, emerged from the COST Action, using these tools and expanding them to multiple languages.
Aim of the LITMUS Network

The LITMUS network aims to expand the study of typical and atypical language development in second language learners using the LITMUS tools to better differentiate between features of bilingual and impaired language development. Expanding the use of these tools for research and clinical practice is expected to yield sustainable impact.
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BiSLI 2022 in coming soon - Berlin 9-11.5. 2022. Program available here.
Hot from the press:
Language Impairment in Multilingual Settings: LITMUS in Action across Europe, 2021. Eds., S. Armon-Lotem & Kleanthes K. Grohmann. John Benjamins. Also available as an e-book!!
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Many members of the COST Action continued collaborating on the different LITMUS tasks addressing topics that were raised during the meetings. It was mostly done under the leadership of the original WG leaders, the steering group of COST Action IS0804. Following the SRep meeting in Konstanz in December 2019, and the BiSLI conference in Galway, a LITMUS committee materialized, with two representatives of each of the LITMUS tasks strengthened by an implementation task force for considering means for automatization and clinical dissemination.

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